Cascade Mountain in Adirondacks, NY

Address:Route 73
Keene Valley, NY 12943
Region:Adirondacks, NY
Rating: * * * * * Very Good (4 out of 5)

MVNY Staff Review

Cascade Mountain is the easiest of the 46 high peaks (over 4,000 feet in elevation) in the New York Adirondack Mountains.

An excellent day hike with a great view of the surrounding high peaks. Round trip is approximately 4.8 miles. While you are on the trail, you can also hike the nearby Porter Mountain (also a high peak) which will add an additional 1.4 miles to your hike.

Although it is the easiest of the high peaks, you still should still be prepared for any kind of weather. It is often very windy at the summit, so be sure to bring extra clothing.

Located about 10-15 minutes from Lake Placid, NY.